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If you are a Sullivan County resident who earns a high school diploma or GED in 2024, you may be eligible to ATTEND SUNY SULLIVAN WITH FREE TUITION AND FEES!
Fall 10-Week Courses*
10/2/2024 - 12/13/2024
Introduction Hospitality & Tourism | BUS 1103 02 IS | 3 | In this course, students study the growth and development of the hospitality and tourism industry. Topics include hotels, restaurants, major transportation companies, sustainable tourism, and various areas of industry specialization. | Virtual |
Human Resource Management | BUS 1652 02 XP | 3 | Students learn the psychology, purposes, and objectives of supervising the work of others. Topics to be covered include techniques of supervision, employment interviews, testing and evaluating, classroom training, on-the-job training, labor laws affecting workers, equal opportunity and rights, and labor-management relations. | Virtual |
Composition I | ENG 1001 15 XP | 3 | This is a writing-intensive course in which students draft and revise college-level essays. Students study the conventions of academic prose, examine various methods of organization and development, and learn research skills. Students who pass but do not earn a C or better in Composition I are required to re-take the course or pass a Composition I exam with a C or better before enrolling in Composition II. Composition I meets the writing component for Gen Ed Communication. | Virtual |
Fundamentals of Speech | NG 1301 07 XP | 3 | This course provides public speaking training and practice. | Virtual |
US History since 1940 | HIS 1229 04 XP | 3 | This course surveys and examines selected problems and opportunities facing the United States in the 20th century and early 21th century. Students analyze significant topics of social justice, diversity, economic, and political changes in the US since 1940 | Virtual |
Elementary Statistics | MAT 1004 04 XP | 3 | Students learn about probability, frequency distributions, mean and standard deviation, the binomial distribution, the normal distribution, hypothesis testing, samples from a finite population, regression and correlation, confidence intervals, and chisquare tests. | Virtual |
Intermediate Algebra | MAT 1005 06 XP | 3 | Students review basic algebra and learn about polynomials, radicals, and linear inequalities. They learn to graph and work with linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, radical, and exponential functions. | Virtual |
Physical Fitness & Wellness | PED 1601 99 XP | 2 | This course is based on learning and practicing personal responsibility for one's own physical fitness and wellness. Students are guided and motivated to make positive behavior decisions related to cardiovascular exercise, weight control, and stress management. Emphasis is on reducing or eliminating high risk lifestyle behaviors such as smoking, stress, obesity, negative nutrition, and alcohol and drug abuse. | Virtual |
General Psychology | PSY 1500 07 XP | 3 | This course serves as a general introduction to the scientific study of psychology. General principles of human behavior and mental processes, as revealed through various psychological scientific methods of inquiry, are explored. This basic introduction to psychological research allows students to critically evaluate the topics found within the broad discipline of psychology. Topics in this introductory survey include biological foundations of behavior, sensation and perception, learning, motivation, cognition, human development, abnormal behavior, personality theory, and social and health issues as studied by psychologists. | Virtual |
Theory & Techniques of Coaching | REL 1509 02 XP | 3 | The introductory classroom phase of this course covers the basic concepts common to all sports. A history of interschool athletics in New York State, objectives, rules, regulations and policies; teaching methods, performance skills; technical information (offense, defense, strategy, etc.); organization and management of practices; special training and conditioning of athletes in the specific sport; care and fitting of equipment; special safety precautions; and officiating methods are included. This course may include an internship in the specific sport under the supervision of a master coach or director of physical education as a substantial portion of the course hours. | Classroom (A108) | TR 1 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. |
Introduction to Sociology | SOC 1600 06 XP | 3 | Sociology is the systematic study of the relationship between the individual and society. This class will look at many aspects of society, including culture, gender, race, religion, education, media, government, and more. Students will analyze the role that complex networks of social structures and social systems play in the creation and perpetuation of power, privilege, and oppression in society and learn to apply the principles of equity and participation to past, current or future social justice in our collective society. | Virtual |
*Class listings and details may be subject to change.