News & Events

Events Calendar

Yoga Class with Susanne Spring

SUNY Sullivan 112 College Road, Loch Sheldrake, NY, United States

Yoga Class with Susanne Spring Wednesday, February 15 11:30 am to 12:30 pm Student Union.


SUNY Sullivan 112 College Road, Loch Sheldrake, NY, United States

Meet Professor Martinetto in the Student Union at 2:30 pm on Wednesday, February 15, to share your recipe or cookbook ideas. Questions? Email

Cosmic Bowling Night

Quinnz Pinz 13 Railroad Ave, Middletown, NY, United States

$10 per person; must be paid by Feb. 10. Includes 2 games, shows, a slice of pizza, and a drink.  


Photography Club Meeting

SUNY Sullivan 112 College Road, Loch Sheldrake, NY, United States

The Club will meet in E008, every Thursday, at 12:30 pm.

Mental Health Discussion

SUNY Sullivan 112 College Road, Loch Sheldrake, NY, United States

Your Mental Health Matters! The SGA and the Committee for Equity & Justice are hosting a discussion about mental health in the Student Union at 3:00 pm. Snacks and refreshments will be provided.

Affirmation Pong

SUNY Sullivan 112 College Road, Loch Sheldrake, NY, United States

Find encouragement under a cup! 11:00 am to 1:00 pm on Friday in the E Lobby.

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