paying for college
SUNY Sullivan is committed to making your college experience affordable. In the 2021-22 school year SUNY Sullivan students received: $237,398 in scholarships!
This gives undocumented and other students access to New York State‐administered grants and scholarships that support higher education costs, providing access to the Excelsior Scholarship, the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP), as well as other state-administered scholarships that were not previously available. Students meeting the NYS Dream Act eligibility criteria can apply for one or more HESC-administered grant and scholarship programs at the HESC website.
Students must first apply for FAFSA and for TAP. After applying for those, Students will need to apply for the Excelsior Scholarship. The Excelsior Scholarship will cover the remaining balance of tuition for eligible students.
The application is available online at and must be completed by the deadline.
The Higher Education Services Corporation ( has the responsibility of administering the Excelsior Scholarship.
Students must be New York State residents with a combined federal adjusted gross income of $125,000 or less
Students must attend a SUNY or CUNY college; SUNY Sullivan is a member institution
The maximum last-dollar award is $5,500 per year
Students must be able to graduate “on-time.” This means students must complete their two-year degree in two years or less, they must complete thirty (30) academic credits per year (including summer and winter intersession).
Recipients of the Excelsior Scholarship must reside in New York State for the number of years that he/she receives the award; If a student receives the awards for two years, then they must live in New York State for two years after graduation
There are many outside scholarship opportunities available. Talk about scholarships with your high school guidance counselor, and use these links to help you get started with your search. Remember, you should never pay to search or apply for scholarships!
New York State Scholarships
College Board’s Big Future
Fastweb Scholarship Search
Use the following guidelines when applying for a Sullivan County Community College Foundation Scholarship:
- Review the criteria for the scholarship(s) that you are applying for.
- Follow the specific instructions for each scholarship.
- Complete the application form for each scholarship.
- Obtain and submit all the necessary information required (i.e. transcripts, letters of recommendation, etc.)
- You must apply for financial aid to be eligible for certain scholarship awards. Financial aid includes FAFSA,NYS TAP, and/or NYS Jose Peralta Dream Act.
- Submit the required essay. The 500-word typed essay should focus on the following, unless otherwise noted: Describe your goals and how Sullivan County Community College will play a part in helping you achieve these goals.
Completed applications must be in the SUNY Sullivan Office of Financial Aid, 112 College Road, Loch Sheldrake, NY 12759 or by deadline.
To find out more, or for help with your application to SUNY Sullivan, contact an Enrollment Specialist today at For general information about SUNY Sullivan please send an email to
Description: Introduced in 2012, SUNY Sullivan’s Presidential Scholars program makes a college education more accessible and more affordable for high-achieving students graduating from Sullivan County high schools. Students with a minimum overall grade average of 90 are eligible to receive the scholarship.
Amount of Scholarship: Full Tuition & Fees after State Aid and PELL and any other SCCC Foundation scholarships have been awarded
Awarded by: SCCC Foundation Scholarship Fund & SUNY Sullivan prior to the Fall semester
Eligibility and Criteria:
- Presidential Scholars funds are awarded to graduates of Sullivan County schools who have a minimum overall grade point average of 90 and are planning to attend SUNY Sullivan full-time for Fall. Final grades must be reported through an official high school transcript.
- Presidential Scholars funds cover tuition and fees, less PELL and State Aid and any other SUNY Sullivan Foundation scholarships, offering a minimum award of $300 per semester.
- Recipients must be in the graduating class preceding the start of their first Fall semester of study.
- Recipients MUST apply for financial aid.
- The Presidential Scholars award is a maximum continuous two-year scholarship for the Fall and Spring semesters. No stop-outs in study are permitted.
- After the first year, continuation as a Presidential Scholar is based upon the achievement of an overall 3.25 GPA for the first year of study.
- Contact the Admissions office at or 845-434-5750 ext. 4284 for further information.
- Complete the Presidential Scholars application below.
Description: The all new Sullivan Promise Scholarship provides Sullivan County residents* who earn a high school diploma or GED in 2022 the opportunity to receive FREE TUITION AND FEES* for one year of attendance at SUNY Sullivan.
Amount of Scholarship: Full Tuition & Fees after State Aid, PELL, and any other SCCC Foundation scholarships have been awarded.
Awarded by: SCCC Foundation Scholarship Fund & SUNY Sullivan.
Eligibility and Criteria:
You may be eligible for a Sullivan Promise Scholarship if you are a Sullivan County resident* who is also one of the below:
- A member of the current graduating class of an area high school (“current” means the student graduated in the winter or spring of 2022); OR
- A student who is certified by a state-approved, non-public school located and operating in Sullivan County, and who is a documented graduate of the 2022 school year; OR
- A recipient of a General Equivalency Diploma (GED) during 2022.
*You must be a resident of Sullivan County for a period of two full years prior to graduation or receipt of GED, with a 70 GPA or higher. The determination of residency status shall be at the sole discretion of SUNY Sullivan.
Description: To assist a student from the Fallsburg or Monticello School District who has registered to attend SUNY Sullivan and who shows financial need.
Amount of Scholarship: Up to $500.
Eligibility: Incoming Freshmen.
Additional Information: Applicants must submit the following to be considered:
- Foundation Scholarship required essay (details can be found in Guidelines for Applying for a Foundation Scholarship).
Description: To assist a Sullivan County resident who demonstrates participation in high school or college activities and civic achievements.
Amount of Scholarship: $500
Eligibility: Incoming or Returning Students.
Additional Information: Returning students must be in good academic standing and making satisfactory progress with a minimum 2.0 GPA. Incoming students’ overall GPA will be taken into consideration. Applicants must submit a 500-word essay, which must include participation in extra-curricular activities and any civic achievements received. Applicants must submit letters of recommendation from high school or SUNY Sullivan faculty.
Description: To assist Sullivan County residents who are attending or planning to attend SUNY Sullivan and who demonstrate financial need.
Amount of Scholarship: Up to $1,000.
Eligibility: Incoming or Returning Students. Applicants must be a resident of Sullivan County.
Additional Information: Preference is given to Livingston Manor and Roscoe residents. Apply at Livingston Manor High School or Roscoe High School’s counseling office. Must demonstrate financial need.
Description: To assist a student in their final semester at SUNY Sullivan, who has already been accepted to a 4 year institution.
Amount of Scholarship: Up to $1,000.
Eligibility: Students in their final semester at SUNY Sullivan, who have already been accepted to a 4 year institution.
Additional Information: Applicants must have a minimum 2.3 cumulative GPA.
Description: To assist a continuing SUNY Sullivan student.
Amount of Scholarship: $300
Eligibility: Returning Students who have demonstrated leadership in their tenure at SUNY Sullivan and have completed 30 credits with a minimum 3.0 GPA.
Additional Information: Applicants must submit the following to be considered:
- A 250-word essay detailing the level of involvement and accomplishments; OR
- A packet which includes SUNY Sullivan club/organization minutes, overviews of projects and/or events, news articles, etc. AND/OR a 100-word essay outlining his/her involvement at SUNY Sullivan.
Description: To assist Sullivan, Orange, Ulster or Delaware County residents who are attending or planning to attend SUNY Sullivan.
Amount of Scholarship: $1,000
Eligibility: Students who participate in student government or volunteer with community service organizations.
Additional Information: Students must be nominated by SUNY Sullivan Faculty or Staff.
Description: To assist a student graduating from SUNY Sullivan with an associate’s degree to continue their education when they transfer to pursue a bachelor’s degree at a State University of New York (SUNY) school.
Amount of Scholarship: $5,000
- Be a resident of Mamakating or Thompson;
- Have graduated from SUNY Sullivan;
- Be admitted to a SUNY institution as a transfer student (proof of acceptance required);
- Demonstrate financial need (FAFSA) that exceeds funds available from other sources;
- Maintain a 3.0 GPA, and;
- Provide at least one letter of recommendation from a faculty member or advisor.
Additional Information: For more information on how SUNY Sullivan students can apply, contact Klu Padu, Career Placement & Transfer Advisor at (845) 434-5750 x4202.
Description: To assist a first-time, full-time student who is from Sullivan County
Amount of Scholarship: $500
Eligibility: Incoming Freshmen who are from Sullivan County enrolled full-time, planning to pursue a degree in a Business Administration. GPA of 85 or 3.0 or higher.
Additional Information: Applicants must submit the following to be considered:
- A 250-word essay on why you are seeking a degree in Business Administration.
*This scholarship can be used to cover tuition, fees, and educational expenses at SUNY Sullivan.
Description: To assist students from the Slovak Republic, or who are of Slovak Republic descent, who are enrolled in either Allied Health/Nursing or Culinary Arts.
Amount of Scholarship: $300
Eligibility: Incoming Freshman or Returning Students.
Additional Information: Applicants must submit the following to be considered:
- Proof of heritage through birth certificate, marriage certificate, church records, etc.
- Required essay (details can be found in the Foundation Scholarship Guidelines above).
Description: To assist a first-time, full-time BOCES student.
Amount of Scholarship: Up to $1,000.
Eligibility: Incoming Freshmen who are first-time students at SUNY Sullivan enrolled full-time, planning to pursue a degree in Early Childhood.
Additional Information: Applicants must submit the following to be considered:
- A one-page resume identifying your education, grade point average, employment experience, and interests
(include specific notes of paid and unpaid experience with young children). - A 500-word essay explaining why your selected your program of choice, what prompted your interest, and what your career plans are in this or a related field.
Description: To assist students from the Slovak Republic, or who are of Slovak Republic descent, who are enrolled in either Allied Health/Nursing or Culinary Arts.
Amount of Scholarship: $300
Eligibility: Incoming Freshman or Returning Students.
Additional Information: Applicants must submit the following to be considered:
- Proof of heritage through birth certificate, marriage certificate, church records, etc.
- Required essay (details can be found in the Foundation Scholarship Guidelines above).
Description: To assist Sullivan County residents who are enrolled in the SUNY Sullivan Nursing program.
Amount of Scholarship: $1,000
Eligibility: Incoming Freshman and Returning Students.
Additional Information: Applicants must submit the following to be considered:
- A 500-word essay describing your participation in high school or college activities (please list all in essay).
Description: To assist Sullivan County residents who are enrolled in the SCCC Nursing program.
Amount of Scholarship: $1,000
Eligibility: Returning Students. Students must be entering the second year of the Nursing Program at the time of application. Minimum 3.0 GPA required.
Additional Information: Applicants must submit the following to be considered:
- Two letters of recommendation with application.
- Required essay (details can be found in the Foundation Scholarship Guidelines).
Description: To assist Sullivan County residents who are enrolled in the SCCC Nursing program.
Amount of Scholarship: $1,000
Eligibility: Incoming Freshman and Returning Students. Minimum 2.5 GPA required for returning students. Overall high school GPA will be considered for first-semester students.
Additional Information: Applicants must submit the following to be considered:
- A 500-word essay describing participation in high school or college activities and/or civic achievements (please list in essay).
Description: To assist a full-time student pursuing an education in Environmental Science or Green Building Technology.
Amount of Scholarship: $500
Eligibility: Returning, full-time students with 30 credits and above a 3.0 GPA.
Additional Information: Applicants must submit the following to be considered:
- One letter of recommendation from a high school teacher/advisor, college faculty member, or a community member.
- One of the following:
- A 500-word essay on what your ultimate career goal in science is and why you are pursuing this goal; OR
- A presentation with the details of an environmental project that you have completed OR the plans for a project that you would like to complete.
Description: To assist a full-time Green Building Technology student.
Amount of Scholarship: Up to $1,000
Eligibility: Incoming Freshman or Returning Students, registered full-time.
Additional Information: Applicants must submit the following to be considered:
- A 250-word essay on why you are seeking a degree in Green Building Technology.
*Scholarship can be used to cover tuition, fees and educational expenses at SUNY Sullivan.
Students with questions about their financial aid award or who are dissatisfied with the type or amount of aid offered, may appeal, in writing, to:
Keri Whitehead
Director of Financial Aid
SUNY Sullivan
112 College Road
Loch Sheldrake, NY 12759
Meet the Financial Aid Team

Keri Whitehead
845-434-5750 x4231
Room E106

Adam Linko
Financial Aid Officer
845-434-5750 x4201
Room E105B

Nicole Feller
Financial Aid Officer
845-434-5750 x4391
Room E105B
An institutional financial aid professional is expected to always maintain exemplary standards of professional conduct in all aspects of carrying out his or her responsibilities, specifically including all dealings with any entities involved in any manner in student financial aid, regardless of whether such entities are involved in a government sponsored, subsidized or regulated activity.
The Financial Aid Professional shall:
- Refrain from taking any action for his or her personal benefit.
- Refrain from taking any action he or she believes is contrary to law, regulation or the best interests of the students and parents he or she serves.
- Ensure that the information he or she provides is accurate, unbiased and does not reflect any preference arising from actual or potential personal gain.
- Be objective in making decisions and advising his or her institution regarding relationships with any entity involved in any aspect of student financial aid.
- Refrain from soliciting or accepting anything of other than nominal value from any entity (other than an institution of higher education or a governmental entity such as the U.S. Department of Education) involved in the making, holding, consolidating or processing of any student loans including anything of value (including reimbursement of expenses) for serving on an advisory body or as part of a training activity of or sponsored by any such entity.
- Disclose to his or her institution, in such manner as his or her institution may prescribe, any involvement with or interest in any entity involved in any aspect of student financial aid.
Please note that this pertains to FFELP loans awarded prior to the 2008-2009 school year and to alternative loans. Since the 2008-2009 school year Sullivan County Community College continued to process alternative loans but began and will continue to award student loans through the Federal Direct Loan program.
- Sullivan County Community College works diligently to ensure that its officers, employees and agents avoid conflicts of interest in connection with their responsibilities relating to providing and administering student loans for our students. In accordance with state and federal law, you should be aware that the following activities are prohibited. Some of these prohibitions involve technical definitions which can be found by referring to the applicable state and federal law. If you wish to obtain this information, please contact the financial aid office.
- Sullivan County Community College does not enter into any revenue-sharing arrangement with any lender.
- No officer, employee or agent of Sullivan County Community College who is employed in the financial aid office or who otherwise has responsibilities with respect to education loans will solicit or accept any gift or other thing of value from a lender, guarantor or loans or servicer of education loans. You should be aware that certain items provided or contributed by lenders are not considered gifts such as training materials, philanthropic contributions unrelated to education loans and entrance and exit counseling services.
- No officer, employee or agent of Sullivan County Community College who is employed in the financial aid office or who otherwise has responsibilities with respect to education loans will accept from any lender or affiliate of any lender any fee, payment or other financial benefit (including the opportunity to purchase stock) as compensation for any type of consulting arrangement or other contract to provide services to a lender or on behalf of a lender relating to education loans.
- Sullivan County Community College will not for any first-time borrower assign, through award packaging or other methods, the borrower’s loan to a particular lender or refuse to certify or delay certification of any loan based on the borrower’s selection of a particular lender or guaranty agency.
- Sullivan County Community College will not request or accept from any lender any offer of funds to be used for private education loans, including funds for an opportunity pool loan, to students in exchange for the campus providing concessions or promises regarding providing the lender with a specified number of loans made, insured or guaranteed a specified loan volume or a preferred lender arrangement for such loans.
- Sullivan County Community College does not request or accept from any lender any assistance with call center staffing or financial aid office staffing.
- No employee of Sullivan County Community College who is employed in the financial aid office or who otherwise has responsibilities with respect to education loans or other student financial aid and who serves on an advisory board, commission or group established by a lender, guarantor or group of lenders or guarantors will receive anything of value from the lender, guarantor or group of lenders or guarantors for such service.
The Office of Financial Aid at SUNY Sullivan is comprised of a team of dedicated professionals committed to assisting students and their families in obtaining financial resources to help meet their financial obligation to the college while assuring compliance with Federal, State and Institutional regulations. The Office of Financial Aid provides quality customer service in delivering information on federal, state, institutional and alternative sources of financial aid, and debt management while in college and thereafter. In pursuing our mission, we provide accurate and accessible information to the campus community recognizing that only together we can achieve our common goal to enhance enrollment, retention and the academic success of our students