Programs of Study
Liberal Arts & Sciences
Degree: AA | Graduation Requirements: 61 credits
Program Summary:

Hone critical thinking skills, communication abilities, and creativity. The top skills sought after are management, communications, research, and operations.
The Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts degree program is a parallel curriculum preparing students for transfer to a four-year program. Required and elective courses are both transferable.
Small classes, attention and concern for individual students, and a suggested sequence of courses are intended to help students acquire fundamental skills of studying, reasoning, and expression. Working with their faculty advisor, students can select courses in academic areas in English, history, psychology, sociology, honors and the sciences.
The liberal arts place emphasis on questions more than specific answers. The courses focus upon ideas, languages, logic, and images of the world, of nature, and society. History, literature, and the sciences offer models and explanations of the events and processes of our lives.
Students interested in pursuing specific areas of study such as, but not limited to the following, should begin with the Liberal Arts degree: Economics, English, Elementary Education, Forest, Technology, History, Legal Studies, Mathematics, Philosophy, Political Science, Pre-Forestry, Pre-Nursing, Psychology, Science, Sociology, Secondary Education, or Women's Studies.
This degree requires the completion of at least 7 of the 10 SUNY General Education requirements. SUNY SULLIVAN encourages students to complete all 10 requirements.

The SUNY Sullivan
In addition to completing the SUNY General Education requirements, graduates of the Liberal Art and Science – AA will have demonstrated:
The ability to think critically
A command of information and concepts from English, humanities, the social sciences, mathematics, and the sciences
An awareness of our diverse world
An understanding of sustainable actions as well as social and environmental responsibility
The ability to communicate their understanding in written and spoken form
The ability to perform and cite research in various Liberal Arts formats
Composition I*
Fundamentals of Speech
Intercultural Communication
Western Civilization I, II, or III
MAT 1004 or higher
Electives (4)
Composition II
HIS Elective
SCI Elective w/ Lab
FLA/HUM Elective
ENG Elective
MAT Course in sequence
SCI Elective w/Lab
FLA/HUM Elective
ENG/THE/HUM Elective
PED Elective
*In order to receive full credit for Gen Ed 10, students must take both Composition I AND Fundamentals of Speech OR Intercultural Communication.

Interested in Transferring to a SUNY 4-year college?
Check out SUNY’s Course Equivalencies to find out what and how courses will transfer.