Programs of Study
Physical Education Studies
Degree: AS | Graduation Requirements: 62 credits
Program Summary:
The Physical Education A.S. degree program serves as a transfer-degree path to 4-year baccalaureate institutions for students wishing to become primary or secondary school Physical Education teachers.
Upon completion of this degree students will demonstrate the following learning outcomes:
- Students will have a practical understanding of the dynamics behind various sports and sport-related activities. These include how to play the sport, the history, rules, and regulations of the game.
- Students will have acquired a working knowledge of the theory of Physical Education and activity, how it was developed, what is going on currently in the field, and how to apply it in a future classroom.
- Students will demonstrate an understanding of the structure and function of the body in human performance.
- The student will demonstrate an understanding of the treatment and care of an injured individual.
- The student will have an understanding of nutrition and diet, and why a healthful diet and ongoing physical activity are integral to one’s well-being, quality of life and longevity.
- The student will demonstrate an acceptable level of health-related fitness.
- The student will understand why cooperation/team work is essential among individuals and groups.
- And through Gen Ed outcomes students will acquire the skills of critical thinking, diversity in understanding, analysis of argument, methodological approaches, essential work habits, and technology literacy, which a broader, contemporary and historical perspective on the world promotes.

The SUNY Sullivan
The Physical Education Studies AS curriculum closely parallels the first two years of study of comparable Physical Education programs at SUNY Cortland and SUNY Brockport in order to facilitate transfer.
Once students successfully complete their baccalaureate degree, they become eligible for K-12 certification and employment in education in the state of New York.
Composition I
Intro to PE, Sport, Recreation & Leisure
Intro to Biology I w/ Lab
Principles of Biology
Project Adventure
Fitness I
GE: Choose from lists 4, 5, 6, or 7
Fundamentals of Speech
Composition II
General Psychology
GE: Choose from lists 4, 5, 6, or 7
Philosophy of Sport
Fitness & Wellness
Contemporary Health
Theory & Techniques of Coaching
Human Performance – A&P I
GE: Choose from List 8
GE: Choose from List 9
PED Elective
College Math I OR Higher
Human Performance – A & P II
Advanced First Aid and CPR
GE: Choose from lists 4, 5, 6, or 7
Motor Learning

Interested in Transferring to a SUNY 4-year college?
Check out SUNY’s Course Equivalencies to find out what and how courses will transfer.