Programs of Study
Human Services
Degree: AS | Graduation Requirements: 61 credits
Program Summary:
Human Services is a transfer-oriented Associate of Science degree program for students interested in pursuing social work or other counseling fields.
Graduates of Human Services – AS will have studied and demonstrated knowledge of the following objectives:
- Demonstrate understanding of psychological theories, principles, and concepts in the discipline of psychology and related helping fields.
- Demonstrate understanding of physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and behavioral development.
- Critically read and analyze research in psychology and related helping fields found in professional journals.
- Apply an understanding of the theoretical frameworks and models utilized in current practice through practical application and written assignments.
- Demonstrate an ability to use helping skills by means of role-playing and written assignments.
- Exhibit self-insight through exercises that promote reflection and awareness of the self.
- Establish an understanding of the values and ethics of the profession.
- Illustrate empathic listening and other skills necessary in the client- counselor relationship.
- Develop an understanding of the history of the field of human services and relevance to current practice.
- Develop an understanding of cultural and spiritual sensitive practice in the human service field.
- Explain healthy and effective functioning in settings such as jobs, school, interpersonal relationships, and as members of society.
- Explain effective stress management and coping skills.
- Describe the steps in developing in forming friendships and healthy relationships.
- Develop and describe effective social and communication skills in a variety of settings.
- Apply the basic principles of psychology to everyday life.

The SUNY Sullivan
The program provides the first two years of a four-year curriculum in, social work and other counseling professions. SUNY Sullivan students are able to transfer as juniors to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in social work.
The course requirements for this program are very general to accommodate the varying requirements of upper division courses required by colleges and universities that grant degrees in this field.
The major courses are both theoretical and applied, allowing students the opportunity to explore the nature of human behavior and reach a deeper understanding of self.
Composition I*
Fundamentals of Speech
Introduction to Human Services
Statistics for the Social Sciences
PED Elective (2)
Introduction to Counseling
Composition II
Introduction to Sociology
Principles of Biology I
General Psychology
Social Problems
GEN ED: FLA Course (list 9)
Unites States History I, II, or III
Developmental Psychology
Child Psychology
Race, Class, and Gender
SCI prefix course & lab
Human Services Skills Exploration
Professional Ethics in Human Services
Human Behavior in Social Environments
GEN ED: Elective in Other World Civilizations (list 6)
*In order to receive full credit for Gen Ed 10, students must take both English Composition I and Fundamentals of Speech.

Interested in Transferring to a SUNY 4-year college?
Check out SUNY’s Course Equivalencies to find out what and how courses will transfer.