Programs of Study
Liberal Arts & Sciences, AA: History Concentration
Degree: AA | Graduation Requirements: 62 credits
Program Summary:

The History curriculum is a university parallel Associate of Arts degree program preparing students for transfer, in accordance with the SUNY Transfer Path for History majors.
SUNY Sullivan offers small classes, attention and concern for individual students, and a suggested sequence of courses are intended to help students acquire fundamental skills of studying, reasoning, and expression.
Working with their faculty advisor, students will select courses that focus on American history, Western civilization and culture, non-Western Civilization and Culture, and an open history elective. The degree requires the completion of at least 7 of the 10 SUNY General Education requirements and at least 30 General Education credits. Students in the History major are encouraged to complete all 10 requirements.
Besides completing the SUNY General Education requirements, graduates of the Liberal Arts & Sciences, AA: History Concentration will have demonstrated:
- The ability to think critically
- A command of information and concepts from humanities, the social sciences, mathematics, and the sciences
- The ability to examine major concepts and works from the field of history
- An awareness of our diverse world
- An understanding of sustainable actions as well as social and environmental responsibility
- The ability to communicate their understanding in written and spoken form
- The ability to perform and cite research in MLA format

The SUNY Sullivan
Our Liberal Arts & Sciences, AA: History Concentration Program offers:
Small classes, attention and concern for individual students
History majors learn more than just how to interpret historical facts and events. They gain written and verbal communication skills, the ability to see how historical events and patterns shape the contemporary world, and an enhanced understanding of diverse cultures.
Composition I**
Fundamentals of Speech
Intercultural Communications
Western Civilization I, II, OR III
Composition II
English OR Humanities Elective
US History Course
SCI Course with Lab
Theater Elective
American Government
History Elective
Liberal Arts By Advisement*
History Elective by Advisement
Elective By Advisement*
* Students should choose electives based both on requirements of their transfer school and personal preference for course content
** In order to receive full credit for Gen Ed 10, students must take both ENG 1001 English Composition I and ENG 1301 Fundamentals of Speech or COM 1305 Intercultural Communications.
NOTE: Students must meet a minimum of seven (7) General Education outcomes. See College Catalog for math competency requirement.

Interested in Transferring to a SUNY 4-year college?
Check out SUNY’s Course Equivalencies to find out what and how courses will transfer.