SUNY Sullivan Food Pantry Receives $1,500 Donation from the Grahamsville Reformed Church

Pastor Ken Ronk of the Grahamsville Reformed Church and Treasurer for The Regional Synod of New York facilitated for the second year a donation of $1,500 to the SUNY Sullivan Food Pantry to help supply Thanksgiving baskets for SUNY Sullivan students. Pastor Ronk, who has done the invocation and benediction for SUNY Sullivan’s commencement ceremony for the past two years, and his wife, Julie, are friends of the college and are also big supporters of education.

“Pastor Ronk knows how important the SUNY Sullivan Food Pantry is to me,” said Jaime Brooks, Coordinator of Student Activities. “I tell him about how it serves as a lifeline to many of our adult students who have families and are returning to college. Pastor Ken and his wife Julie make monthly donations to our food pantry that help keep our students fed.”

The SUNY Sullivan Food Pantry was established during the COVID-19 pandemic and continues to serve students and their families on campus. To make a donation to the SUNY Sullivan Food Pantry, please contact Checks can be made out to SUNY Sullivan Faculty Student Association (FSA) and mailed to: Food Pantry, 112 College Road, Loch Sheldrake, NY, 12759.

(Pictured are Helen Castro, SGA VP, Julie Ronk, Pastor Ken Ronk, SUNY Sullivan President, Dr. David Potash, Aalyiah Aviles RA, and Adrienne Lee, Student Trustee.)

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