Certificates of Residency
Certificates of Residency
If you are a resident of New York State, but not of Sullivan County, you must provide a Certificate of Residence from your home county every fall in order to receive the in-state tuition rate at SUNY Sullivan.
NYS Residency Requirements
To qualify for the resident tuition fee, a student is required by law (NYS Education Law, Section 6305) to present once each academic year, a residency certificate indicating that person has been a legal resident of the State of New York for one year, and of a county for six months. The certificate of residency obtained from your home county is the only proof of residence that qualifies for resident or in-state tuition.
New York State counties will issue certificates any time between (a) two months prior to the students' registration date and (b) 30 days after the start of classes. Counties are permitted by law to refuse applications after the 30th day of the semester. Many counties adhere to this deadline with NO EXCEPTIONS. The Certificate of Residency must be emailed to, faxed to 845-434-0014, or mailed to / hand delivered to SUNY Sullivan's One Stop Center as soon as possible.
Incarcerated Students
For incarcerated students, the official last known address prior to incarceration as provided by the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision shall be considered dispositive evidence of a student's county of domicile prior to incarceration.
Other NY County Residents
Select the name of your county for more information. If your home county is not listed, please search the web for "Certificates of Residency" and your county name. Most counties provide instructions and applications on their websites. If you cannot locate your county's website, select the line titled “All Other New York Counties” for a generic application and instructions.
Appeal Information
If a SUNY community college student is denied a certificate of residence from their home county, such student may appeal to SUNY System Administration for reversal. Such appeal communication should contain the student's contact information and details about the denial form the county. Please note that denials can only be reversed if either the county or the college made an error or did not follow relevant legal requirements. Students can submit appeals to or by physical mail to Johanna Duncan-Poitier, Senior Vice Chancellor for Community Colleges and the Education Pipeline, SUNY H. Carl McCall Building, 353 Broadway, Albany, NY 12246. Please note that CUNY community colleges student appeals must be directed to CUNY at
Student Billing Contacts

Jennifer Card

Tanasia Swamy
Principal Account Clerk
Room F013