News & Events

Events Calendar

Affirmation Pong

SUNY Sullivan 112 College Road, Loch Sheldrake, NY, United States

Find encouragement under a cup! 11:00 am to 1:00 pm on Friday in the E Lobby.

#SullivanUnstoppable Spirit Week – Day One!

SUNY Sullivan 112 College Road, Loch Sheldrake, NY, United States

Monday: I've Achieved Wear any piece of clothing to represent your last achievement. Could be a High School or College graduation, or even a job!


Interest Meeting for National Society of Leadership and Success

SUNY Sullivan 112 College Road, Loch Sheldrake, NY, United States

Interested in Joining the National Society of Leadership and Success? There will be an interest meeting at 12 pm in room F-110 on Monday, February 20 and Wednesday, February 22. Email Klu Padu at for more information.

Crafting to Relax

SUNY Sullivan 112 College Road, Loch Sheldrake, NY, United States

Join us at the Student Union for some crafting fun! Among other crafts, attendees will learn how to make their own fidget spinners to combat anxiety. The crafting session will take place in the Student Union. Supplies will be provided.

#SullivanUnstoppable Spirit Week – Day Two!

SUNY Sullivan 112 College Road, Loch Sheldrake, NY, United States

Tuesday: Green and Gold Show your Sullivan Spirit by wearing anything with green and/or gold! Be as loud with it as you like.

Make Your Own Laundry Detergent Workshop

SUNY Sullivan 112 College Road, Loch Sheldrake, NY, United States

All supplies provided by the Wellness Committee. Join us in the E Lobby from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm!

Golf Team Interest Meeting

SUNY Sullivan 112 College Road, Loch Sheldrake, NY, United States

For any student of any gender, there will be a Golf Team interest meeting on Tuesday Feb. 21st at 4pm upstairs in the Learning Center. You can contact Coach Rikard at for more details. The season will start in late March and continue through to May (June when we make it to Nationals!). We […]

Bozoma Saint John – Livestream

SUNY Sullivan 112 College Road, Loch Sheldrake, NY, United States

Bozoma Saint John is an influencer and American businesswoman who’s had a stellar career in marketing, most recently as Netflix’s Global Chief Marketing Officer. She began her career at Spike Lee’s advertising agency before becoming a senior marketing executive at Pepsi, Apple Music, Uber, and Endeavor. The live-stream will take place at 7 pm in […]

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