Programs of Study
Liberal Arts & Sciences, AS: Mathematics Concentration
Degree: AS | Graduation Requirements: 60 credits
Program Summary:
The Liberal Arts & Sciences, AS: Mathematics Concentration is a rigorous two-year university-parallel program recommended for those who plan to transfer to a four-year school.
The Liberal Arts Mathematics Program is recommended for those who plan to transfer to a four-year school with a major in mathematics or a field requiring a strong math background, leading to career possibilities in science, engineering, business, industry, education, or actuarial science.
The student entering this program should be well grounded in mathematics at the high school level. An entering student should have four years of Regents-level mathematics including Precalculus. A student with less preparation will require more time to complete the program.
Graduates will be able to transfer to a four-year institution to earn a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics. Students who have identified the four-year college to which they plan to transfer should plan their program at SUNY Sullivan accordingly.

The SUNY Sullivan
Graduates of the Liberal Arts & Sciences, AS: Mathematics Concentration program will be able to:
Use algebra, including linear algebra, and calculus to solve problems.
Know the characteristics of various types of functions and their graphs.
Use graphical, analytical, and numerical methods to explore mathematics and to analyze and solve problems.
Use critical thinking skills and logical reasoning to decide which procedures and methods are needed to solve various problems in the areas of mathematics, science, and computer science.
Transfer to a mathematics program or math-related program at a four-year college.
Composition I*
Analytical Geometry and Calculus I
First of two-course sequence**
Any course from the approved Gen Ed 3 OR 9 lists
Course from the approved list
Gen Ed 7 list
Analytical Geometry & Calculus II
Second of two-course sequence**
Fundamentals of Speech
Any course from the History approved Gen Ed
Arts 4 or 8 lists
Programming in C++
Free Elective
Calculus Physics I with Lab
Analytical Geometry & Calculus III
Linear Algebra
Course with the PED prefix
Calculus Physics II /Lab
Differential Equations
Course with the PED prefix
Data Structures
Composition II
Western Civ.
Other World Civilizations
*In order to receive full credit for Gen Ed 10, students must take both ENG 1001 Composition I and ENG 1301 Fundamentals of Speech or COM 1305 Intercultural Communication.
** Choose ONE of the following two-course sequences:
CPT 1301 Logic and Problem Solving and CPT 1405 Programming in Visual Basic
ECO 1401 Macroeconomics and ECO 1402 Microeconomics
SCI 1124 Principles of Biology I and SCI 2152 Principles of Biology II
SCI 1202 General Chemistry I and SCI 2202 General Chemistry II

Interested in Transferring to a SUNY 4-year college?
Check out SUNY’s Course Equivalencies to find out what and how courses will transfer.