Departments & Employees

Employee Directory

Faculty & staff

Alberto Alequin
Maintenance Worker
Buildings & Grounds
Room: H047A
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4503
Deborah Alleyne
Respiratory Care Adjunct
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4276
Thomas Ambrosino
Professor Emeritus
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Carol Anstey
Disability Resource Coach
Learning and Student Development Services
Room: E212F Upper One Stop Center
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4333
Carol Awasu
Adjunct Instructor
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: G116, Suite G114
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4290
Charles Awasu
Adjunct Faculty
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: G116, Suite G114
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4290
Hans Bader
Assistant Coordinator of Network Services
Information Technology
Room: H064
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4295
Kelly Baker
Assistant Controller
Finance & Student Billing
Room: F016, Suite F010
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4279
Ariana Balogh
Technical Assistant - Science Labs
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: B112
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x3192
Nancy Banyacski DiLeo
Associate Professor - Spanish
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: F115, Suite F113
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4290
Matthew Barbieri
2nd Assistant Men's Baseball Coach
Athletics / Physical Education
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Dennis Barnett
Adjunct Associate Professor - Drones
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Charles Beach
Adjunct Faculty
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: F115, Suite F113
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4290
Andrew Becker
Director of Institutional Research and Technology
Institutional Research
Room: H108-B
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4465
Brandon Bedenbender
Director of Respiratory Care
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: A108-C
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4308
Michael Benedetto
Catskill Hospitality Institute
Room: H075
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4235
Jordyn Besten
Clinical Adjunct Instructor - Nursing
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Nancy Bloom
Finance & Student Billing
Room: F015, Suite F010
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4358
Janine Boland
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: G116, Suite G114
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4290
William Boyle
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Valerie Brescia
Director of LPP
Liberty Partnerships Program
Room: J019
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4264
Donntae Brock
Liberty Partnerships Program
Room: J019
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4264
Carlos Broncano
Clinical Adjunct Associate Professor - Respiratory
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Jamie Brooks
Student Activities Coordinator
Student Engagement & Resident Life
Room: H122
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x3050
Christina Buckler
Director of Admissions
Admissions & Recruiting
Room: Welcome Center (Tec 101)
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4255
Tyrell Buckner
IT Service Desk Lab Assistant
Information Technology
Room: G010
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4457
Edward Budrock
Buildings & Grounds Maintenance Worker II
Buildings & Grounds
Room: H047A
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4503
Mary Burkart
Adjunct Faculty
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: G116, Suite G114
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4290
Kyle Butler
Buildings & Grounds Maintenance Worker II
Buildings & Grounds
Room: H047A
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4467
Richard Butler
Maintenance Supervisor
Buildings & Grounds
Room: H047D
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4503
Jennifer Card
Finance & Student Billing
Room: E108 One Stop Center
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4359
Shanika Carlies
Liberty Partnership Program
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Merime Cenovic
Professional Tutor
Learning & Student Development Services
Room: E201 Upper One Stop Center
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Siya Chen
External Adjunct
Educational Opportunity Program
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x3198
Jennifer Christiansen
EMT Certified Instructor Coordinator
Student Success & Workforce Development
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Michael Ciardo
IT Service Desk Lab Assistant
Information Technology
Room: G010
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4457
Autumn Clark
Technical Assistant of Programming & Operations
Information Technology
Room: G005B
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4299
Simon Clement
Assistant Professor / Head Men's Basketball Coach
Catskill Hospitality Institute / Athletics-Physical Education
Room: H070
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4250
Paul Clune
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: G118, Suite G114
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4427
Grace Collaro
Associate Professor - Medical Assisting
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: B125
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4354
Amy Colon
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: G106, Suite G104
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4238
Betsy Conaty
Adjunct Professor
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Allegra Condon
Technical Assistant - Library
Room: Lower J Bldg.
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4226
Ann Marie Connolly
Adjunct Faculty
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: G116
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4290
Clara Constable
Custodial Services
Room: H018
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4205
Lynne Crockett
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: F115
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4290
Dianne Czahor
Adjunct Professor
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Ivy Dantico
Adjunct Assistant Professor - Respiratory Care
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Eleanor Davis
Vice President of Advancement and Communications
Room: J121, Suite J119
Phone: (845) 730-3181
Samantha Davis
Office Manager
Athletics / Physical Education
Room: K108
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4294

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