Departments & Employees

Employee Directory

Faculty & staff

Katherine Johnson
Adjunct Instructor
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: G116
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4290
Stacey Johnson
Dean of Student Development Services
Student Development Services
Room: E212F
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4263
Elijah Jonas
Public Services Librarian
Room: J010B
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4232
Kenneth Jones
Adjunct Faculty
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: G117
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4210
Laura Jones
Clinical Adjunct - Nursing
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: A118
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4341
Inokenity (Kenny) Kadilov
Faculty Instructor - Computer Science
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: G105
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4356
Dr. Jeffrey Keefer
Director of Strategic Planning and Institutional Assessment
Institutional Research
Room: H108B
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4477
Benjamin Kirch
E-Sports Coordinator (Part-time)
Athletics / Physical Education
Room: F017
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x3203
Allen Kotun
Interim Dean of Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: F108
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4460
Felyluz Laguio
Adjunct Faculty
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: C117
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4210
Thomas Lambert
Professor Emeritus
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Alicia Lanese
Division Secretary
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: F113
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4290
Christine LaPlante
Adjunct Instructor
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: G116
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4290
Brian Laskowski
Adjunct Faculty
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4210
Seth Lazroe
Operations Coordinator/Computer Science
Information Technology
Room: G010
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4272
Susanne Legris
Adjunct Instructor - EMT
Student Success & Workforce Development
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Debra Lewkiewicz
Professor/Department Chair of Science, Technology & Math
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: B135
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4245
Deanna Lickey
Technical Assistant - Science Labs
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: B112
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x3192
Carmen Limbert
Bilingual Mentor/Aid for After School Programming
Liberty Partnership Program
Room: J019
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4264
Adam Linko
Assistant Financial Aid Officer
Financial Aid
Room: E105B
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4201
Latoya Lockhart
Adjunct Faculty
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: G116
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4290
Nicolas Lopez
Adjunct Instructor - Theater
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: F115
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4290
Jessica Lopez-Barkl
Professor - Theater
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: E025
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4218
Telitha Lorenzo
Respiratory Care Adjunct
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4448
Kenneth Luck
Assistant Director of Communications
Room: J120
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4377
Nelson Machado, Jr.
EMT Instructor
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: C106
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4341
Anne Marchal
Registration Services
Room: E213
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4302
Thomas Martin
Associate Professor - Language Arts
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: F106
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4334
Christopher Martinelli
Assistant Men's Basketball Coach
Athletics/Physical Education
Room: K109
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4293
Sandra Martinetto
Assistant Professor - Biology
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4210
Matthew Mayer
Adjunct Instructor - Biology
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Kyle Mazzucca
Buildings & Grounds Maintenance Worker
Buildings & Grounds
Room: H047A
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4503
John McBeath
Coordinator of Enterprise Applications
Information Technology
Room: H065
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4433
Nancy McClain
EMT Instructor
Student Success & Workforce Development
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Erin McClay
Adjunct Assistant Professor - Psychology
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: G116
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4290
Anthony McClean
Head JV Men's Basketball Coach
Athletics / Physical Education
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Thomas McManus
Adjunct Associate Professor
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: A108-A
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4276
Chereen McNellis
Adjunct Instructor
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: F115
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4290
Ryan Mead
Adjunct Faculty
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: G116
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4290
Anne Miller
Coordinator of Instructional Design and Online Learning
Teaching & Technology Learning Center
Room: E006A
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x3165
Zachary Miller
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Jermaine Miller
Head JV Women's Basketball Coach
Athletics / Physical Education
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Anne Miller
Interim College in the High School Administrative Coordinator
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: E006A
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x3165
Beverly Moore
Adjunct Professor
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: G116
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4290
Stephen Morse
Adjunct Assistant Drawing Professor
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: D116
Phone: 845 434-5750 x4290
Rebecca Mortillaro
Liberty Partnership Program
Room: J019
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4264
Janeth Motatey
Clinical Adjunct Instructor - Respiratory
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Fred Mulharin
Coordinator of Network Services
Information Technology
Room: H064
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x3201
Kelsey Naylor
Learning & Student Development Services
Room: E212C
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x3191
Benjamin Newberg
Coordinator of Field House Operations
Athletics/Physical Education
Room: K110
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4426

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