Departments & Employees

Employee Directory

Faculty & staff

Mary Sudol
Professor Emeritus, Adjunct Professor
Catskill Hospitality Institute
Room: F013
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4232
Tanasia Swamy
Principal Account Clerk
Finance & Student Billing
Room: F013, Suite F010
Phone: (845) 434-5750 ext. 4359
Chyrise Taylor
Director of Nursing
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: A116
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4343
Lisa Titus
Professor / Writing Program Administrator
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: F116
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4259
Lisa Topolovec
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: B128
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4440
Jo Turpin
Adjunct Associate Professor - Hudson Link
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Victoria Tyles
Clinical Adjunct Assistant Professor - Respiratory
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Brian VanDermark
Business Faculty
Catskill Hospitality Institute
Room: H075
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x3149
Enrique Velasquez
Bilingual Mentor/Tutor
Liberty Partnership Program
Room: J019
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4264
Theresa Viele
Associate Professor - English
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: F117
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x3200
Haidee Villa
Bilingual Mentor/Tutor
Liberty Partnerships Program
Room: J019
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4264
Jennifer Villa
PT Bilingual Mentor Tutor
Liberty Partnership Program
Room: J019
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4264
Debra Waller-Frederick
Associate Dean
Student Engagement & Resident Life
Room: Lazarus Levine Residence Hall, Room 247
Phone: (845) 436-4890
Claire Wasserman
Adjunct Instructor - Math
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Phone: (845) 434-5750
Dr. Daneryl Weber
Associate Professor/Middle States Project Writer
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: F116, Suite F113
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4239
Ray Wehner
Adjunct Professor - Catskill Hospitality Institute/Liberty Partnership Program
Catskill Hospitality Institute
Room: H074
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4237
David Weinstein
EMT Instructor
Student Success & Workforce Development
Room: E204
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4312
Sean Welsh
Vice President for Administrative Services
Finance & Student Billing
Room: F014, Suite F010
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x3160
Keri Whitehead
Director of Financial Aid
Financial Aid
Room: E106
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4231
Jeffrey Wiener
Adjunct - Animation
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4290
Megan Yelekli
Office Manager
Education Opportunity Program
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x3198
Saira Zaman
Associate Professor - Psychology
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: F105
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4394
Holly Zieger
Adjunct Faculty
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Room: A112
Phone: (845) 434-5750 x4341
Stephanie Zub
Adjunct Assistant Professor - Math
Liberal Arts, Sciences & Health Sciences
Phone: (845) 434-5750

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