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Institutional Student Learning Outcomes

Institutional Student Learning Outcomes

Approved by the SCCC Board of Trustees on 5/20/2021

Sample Skills/Areas of Mastery/Assessable Behaviors:

  • makes clear and effective communicative choices according to purpose, audience, and occasion
  • applies and integrates knowledge of various modes of communication to express and exchange ideas

Sample Skills/Areas of Mastery/Assessable Behaviors:

  • engages in scientific inquiry to discover and apply information to the analysis of data and/or scientific phenomena
  • solves problems using appropriate mathematical and/or statistical techniques

Sample Skills/Areas of Mastery/Assessable Behaviors:

  • engages in critical thinking to analyze problems and consider potential solutions
  • collects, synthesizes, and evaluates relevant information to develop arguments and derive conclusions

Sample Skills/Areas of Mastery/Assessable Behaviors:

  • uses technology to develop and implement effective search strategies to access and manage information
  • demonstrates the technological skills and competencies required of the discipline

Sample Skills/Areas of Mastery/Assessable Behaviors:

  • evaluates information and sources critically and analytically
  • accurately applies the vocabulary and concepts of the discipline

Sample Skills/Areas of Mastery/Assessable Behaviors:

  • uses appropriate tools to locate and retrieve relevant information upholding academic, ethical, and legal integrity
  • manages personal health and well-being, including engaging in self- reflection to facilitate personal insight

Sample Skills/Areas of Mastery/Assessable Behaviors:

  • demonstrates responsible behaviors in areas such as communication, professionalism, decision-making, cooperation, and time management
  • articulates and evaluates interconnected global, national, and local topics
    analyzes cultural, political, social, and environmental issues from multiple perspectives
  • explores and engages with moral and ethical issues related to diversity, society, the environment, and sustainability

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